Categories: JoBlo Originals

HORROR TEN SPOT: Top 10 Sex Deaths

This week’s list is kind of a hodge podge that was completely inspired by the #1 pick. It was the subject of much debate amongst the AITH braintrust as to whether it fit in with the last list. Ultimately I decided no, but that the scene in question was too awesome to leave hanging in the wind for long.

Plus I figured you guys wouldn’t mind another week of gratuitous nudity and violence. Of course some of the picks are less “fun” than others, but overall you shouldn’t feel too bad if a few of these strike you as a damn good time. Then again, I often hear that I should get into therapy so you may not want to trust my judgment.

So if you have any well loved death by sex scenes, or death surrounded by sex scenes, hell even what you think are some sexy death scenes – spit ‘dem bullets below!


The chainsaw scene is the whole reason this list exists, and why not. As Patrick Bateman becomes more and more unhinged we get this beautiful move from the bloody surreal into the graphic sublime. First you try to figure out what the hell is going on under those sheets, and then comes the chainsaw, and the stairs, the drop and the crunch. It’s just brilliant, disgusting and joyous debauchery.



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2. SE7EN

I nearly lost my JuJuBees when I realized that the unfortunate victim of Lust got raped by a razor dildo. Far from feeling like an exploitive good time, Fincher’s gritty, unrelenting direction makes sure that the audience feels every single detail of the gruesome deaths at play in as realistic a manner as possible. It sucks quite frankly, and this is still a movie that I don’t particularly enjoy. But when it comes down to f*cked up ways to mix sex and death this scene knocks it out of the park.


Bathtub castration. Yep, bathtub castration. Even with a color and amount of blood that looks more silly than scary, you can’t quite beat the on edge feeling that ISOYG achieves as a woman that you know has bad things in store does a very able job of being seductive to pull this particular idiot into her web of revenge. Just as you start feeling kinda aroused, it’s bye bye jimmy.


You really can’t separate the sex from the death in this brutal exploitation flick. It’s all one messy quiche of bad happenings. The mouth castration might seem like the obvious choice for this list, but Phyllis’ rapey, stabey, getting entrails/phalli pulled out of her body always struck me as the most blatant case of eroto-horror in the pic. No matter how you feel about it though, it’s all gross as hell.


I couldn’t really reuse the Molina death from Species after using it on the last list. That would just be lazy. But fortunately the Species series has a ton of fun sex deaths, and one of my personal favs is the threesome in the second flick that once again proves why you really need to use safe sex if you’re going to get it on with one of these humanoids. The poor chicks that get knocked up by astro boy in this scene find themselves knocked up in a decidedly non-Apatow situation. Then much blood and dying ensues. Nice!



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6. 2001 MANIACS

Not only is Christa Campbell a knockout, but she also has a ton of fun as the acidic moonshine slinging Milk Maid in a film that has multiple scenes you could give love to on a list like this. Genital crunching and deadly sodomy notwithstanding, the true Joy of Sex death is watching that lovely lass grind a young man to distraction while she sends a whole lotta pain straight to his innards.


Ah Julia. She starts off as such a delicate seeming flower in Hellraiser, but put a skinless undead former lover in front of her and the girl gets her knickers all in a bunch. Next thing you know she’s playing black widow, getting loads of pervy British gents to follow her home for a little afternoon delight. Of course instead of the ole in ‘n out they get munched on. Never trust a girl who seems too good to be true fellas.


Good lord. Poor Danielle Harris just gets brutalized when she makes the mistake of trying to get it on with her boytoy on an evening when Michael Myers is around. Zombie’s kind of a master at taking an exploitive approach to a scene and then twisting it to make sure you feel bad for looking forward to it. I definitely was cool with seeing the DH naked, but not like this. Man, not like this


Shannon Elizabeth raped to death by a psychotic snowman. Do I really need to say anything more?



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Yeah, yeah, I know. It’s not a horror flick. I’ll give you a hint. Neither is the #1 pick. But damn, can I get some love for a cinematic opening that flat out rules when it comes to giving us all of the kinds of penetration that genre fans dig. Especially the unrated version which is flat out off the hook. When you know a chick is going to kill you, and you still think the sex looks worth it, well that deserves some respect.

Tags: Hollywood

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Published by
Matt Withers