Categories: JoBlo Originals

Top 10 Horror Movie Halloween Parties!

Lucky us: we’re just 13 days away from every horror fan’s favorite day of the year. The question is how will you be spending your All Hallows Eve this year? A horror movie marathon? Trick or treating with friends and fam? Perhaps attending a costume Halloween party? Well, whatever it is, do us a favor and spill a little blood below on what your Halloween plans are this year!

In the meantime, we’ve got just the thing to get you in the mood. A few years back we busted out a Top 10 costume parties and masquerade balls, but today we’re getting a bit more specific. We’re particularly interested in Halloween parties that take place in horror movies. Sound good? Let’s have a ball. Here are our Top 10 Halloween Horror Movie Parties!


is a farcical fun time all around, but it’s the Halloween dance-party that cranks the holiday spirit up a few notches. Besides, who the hell could front on a nubile Jessica Alba dressed as an innocent angel?! Unthinkable! The film, about a wayward stoner whose hand becomes murderously possessed, breezily fuses the teen comedy genre with the slapstick horror genre. In the Halloween dance, a poppy cover of the Ramones’ “I Want to be Sedated” pumps up while a gaggle of horny teens in devil masks and monster costumes boogie the night away. Twist and f*cking shout!


Before wooing viewers with such solid efforts as BLUE RUIN, THE GREEN ROOM, HOLD THE DARK, etc., Jeremy Saulnier threw one hell of a Halloween bash in his micro-budgeted theatrical debut MURDER PARTY. Holy hell! Like some sort of weird art installation project, a lonely loser named Joe gets an impromptu invite to a nearby Halloween party. What Joe doesn’t know is that he’ll have to subject himself to a night of abject torture, and perhaps even death, as he sits as the subject of this morbid new art project. Absurdly dark, yet hysterically scathing, MURDER PARTY twists into unforeseen directions most won’t see coming.


How many of you have seen the 1985 haunted-horror-comedy HOUSE? Okay now, how many of you have laid eyes on the cleverly titled by utterly unrelated follow-up, HOUSE II: THE SECOND STORY? Don’t fret if you haven’t, we’ll fill in the details of the insane Halloween party that transpires. When Jesse, the new homeowner of an accursed manse, throws a Halloween bash, all kinds of crazy shite goes down. Jesse’s 170-year-old zombified Gramps tries to seduce a maid-outfitted nubile, meanwhile costumed witches, demons, Frankenstein’s monster, and even a sleazy Bill Maher pop up. As this occurs, real monsters infiltrate the party and wreak gory havoc!


While nowhere near a great film, the Halloween atmosphere, and ambiance in SATAN’S LITTLE HELPER is second to very few. And while the entire film hews to the holiday with its assortment of killer costumes, it’s the wicked Halloween party in the final third that stands out most. Remember, a little boy named Dougie is co-opted to be Satan’s evil minion, yet does all he can to protect his older sister Jenna from the imminent evil. Satan, who blends in with the rest of the freaky costumers, begins killing off any and everyone who he thinks deserves it. A silly movie, but a damn fun looking Halloween party!


While not technically referred to as a Halloween party in the film, there’s no denying the ominous autumnal appeal of the candle-lit, pumpkin-adorned Harvest gathering in Tim Burton’s SLEEPY HOLLOW. Besides, who wouldn’t want to attend a party with Christina Ricci! The stately gathering, which marries the high-brow stylings of Victorian-era regality with an insidious air of uncertainty, is exemplary in its production design. Burton does Halloween like no one else, and the stuffy fog and creepily-carved jack-o-lanterns that festoon the lavish mansion are second to none.


One of the all-time best horror movie Halloween parties is one very few people have seen. Yup, we’re talking about the badass gathering seen in the 1985 TV movie THE MIDNIGHT HOUR. See this movie ASAP! The plot concerns a passel of high-school friends who, on Halloween night, accidentally summon the dead. Later on, a spookily decorative Halloween party ensues, giving way to a witchy vendetta the dumb high-school kids aren’t privy to. With a killer soundtrack, kickass costumes, a dangerous dose of death, and an overall air of steam-blowing fun, the Halloween MIDNIGHT HOUR has never flown by so fast!


GINGER SNAPS has one of the flashiest Halloween soirees on this here list, but also one that is almost most germane to its plot. With stylized strobe lighting set to some grungy music and slow-motion choreography, the metaphoric tale of wily womanhood transformation is perfect for All Hallows Eve. The party takes place in a decrepit barn, as the werewolf Ginger tries to seduce a boy named Sam. When he denies her, Ginger snaps his arm like a twig. Ginger’s sister arrives and infects herself with Ginger’s werewolf blood, which proves how much she loves her. The party ends with Sam bashing Ginger in the dome with a shovel before bringing her back home and attempting to cure her.


We’ve always loved the farm-set Halloween party in THE REVENGE OF MICHAEL MYERS. First off, the festive atmosphere is alluring enough to make you want to attend. There are the sexy devilish costumes, the glowing orange jack-o’-lanterns, the awful 80s music, and of course, one great false alarm. A kid in a Myers mask plays a prank on a young lady, only to raise the ire of two bumbling coppers. Soon enough, the real Myers arrives and savagely slays Sam and Spitz, two horny teens rolling around in the hay. Afterward, Myers slaughters both cops before unceremoniously killing Tina in grisly fashion. Now that’s how you crash a party!


Man, I’d give anything to go back to 1988 and party with Donnie Darko and his risible high-school pals, Sean and Ronald. I mean, what’s not to love? There’s a keg on tap, Joy Division’s “Love Will Tear Us Apart” and The Church’s “Under the Milky Way” blasts through the speakers, a parade of ghoulish costumes and eerie Halloween decorations take center stage, and best of all, Maggie Gyllenhaal is dressed as Cleopatra! Whatever happened to director Richard Kelly, I have no clue, but he masterfully directs this Halloween party sequence. Donnie wants to let loose and enjoy himself, but he knows impending doom is at his doorstep. As he reconciles his malevolent prophecies, he must also protect the person he loves most.


Since NIGHT OF THE DEMONS 1 and 2 both revolve around a pivotal Halloween bash, we shall award the original as the best horror movie Halloween party to date. After all, who wouldn’t want to throw back shots and pass a fatty back-and-forth with Linnea Quigley’s crazy demonic ass? You know the setup. A gaggle of teens throws a party in a condemned funeral parlor on Halloween night. As soon as they arrive, all but one or two become possessed, one by one, by a deleterious demon out to promulgate pure evil. The set decoration and production design of the party-parlor are second to none. It’s menacingly macabre and mortifyingly memorable!

Tags: Hollywood

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Published by
Jake Dee