Categories: Movie News

Logan will have its world premiere at the Berlin film festival

Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart are teaming up as Logan and Professor Charles Xavier for the last time in LOGAN, which hits domestic theaters on March 3rd. That will not be the first time, however, as James Mangold's LOGAN will premiere one month earlier at the Berlin international film festival which runs from February 9th through the 18th. It's also worth noting that T2 TRAINSPOTING will also played the festival, billed as an "international premiere", as the film will have been released in the UK by that time.

I'm guessing the bulk of us WON'T be in Berlin at that time, but what that does mean is that we'll start getting some advance word-of-mouth next month regarding the quality of the film. Granted, 40 minutes of the film was screened in New York recently (of which we discussed in a recent JoBlo Movie Show Podcast), but the entire film is nothing to scoff at! Here's hoping it turns out well for those in attendance. In the meantime, click on the banner above for higher-res version of Logan looking as troubled as he ever was!

LOGAN will hit stateside theaters on March 3, 2017.

Published by
Sean Wist