Categories: Horror Movie News

Lucio Fulci’s House by the Cemetery 4K restoration coming soon

Like many of you fellow horror fans out there, one of the first Lucio Fulci movies I ever saw was his classic HOUSE BY THE CEMETERY. And like many of the rest of you fellow horror movie fans out there, the film sent me running for more Fulci such as ZOMBIE, CITY OF THE LIVING DEAD, CAT IN THE BRAIN, TO KILL A DUCKLING, THE BEYOND, and more. But it all started (for me) with HOUSE BY THE CEMETERY.

Plus Walter Rizzati and Alessando Blonksteiner's killer score is hands down one of my absolute favorites of all-time. Listen to it for yourself HERE if you're unaware of its power to creep. And speaking of the classic fright flick, today we have word that Blue Underground is currently working on a 4K restoration of the film and will be unleashing it soon! The Blue Underground team took to Facebook to let us all know:

We're thrilled to announce our next 4K restoration is Lucio Fulci's HOUSE BY THE CEMETERY! We just had our first look at the work-in-progress and it is absolutely GORE-geous!! More info soon…

Lucio Fulci directed HOUSE BY THE CEMETERY from a screenplay he co-wrote along with Dardano Sacchetti and Giorgio Mariuzzo based on a story by Elisa Livia Briganti. Fabrizio De Angelis produced the classic fright flick which starred Katherine MacColl, Paolo Malco, Ania Pieroni, Giovanni Frezza, Silvia Collatina, and Dagmar Lassander. As mentioned above, Walter Rizzati and Alessando Blonksteiner provided the killer score.

There's no current release date for this Blue Underground 4K restoration of Lucio Fulci's classic fright flick HOUSE BY THE CEMETERY but stay tuned and we will make sure to pass along word as soon as we hear anything. 

Published by
Mike Sprague