Categories: Movie News

Macaulay Culkin to legally change his middle name to Macaulay Culkin

What’s your middle name? Barbara? Rick? Ozymandias, because your parents are weird? Well, I bet your middle name certainly isn’t your first name, nor is it your last, and it definitely isn’t your first *and* last name. That’s just unheard of. Now actor Macaulay Culkin – the star of HOME ALONE and THE GOOD SON and who has had a cultural resurgence thanks to social media – is bucking the trend by legally changing his middle name to his first *and* last name: Macaulay Culkin.


You read that right, the celebrity's new, full name will legally be changed to Macaulay Macaulay Culkin Culkin.

Culkin posted the poll for what his new middle name on his lifestyle/humor website,, writing, “My middle name is something dumb. Larry? Orange? Honestly, I can’t even remember it. So I asked you all to send in some better options so I can go down to the court house and explain to a judge why I need to change my middle name to something cool.”

The final choices were whittled down to five: “Macaulay Culkin,” “Shark Week,” “Kieran,” (his actor brother's recommendation) “TheMcRibisBack,” and “Publicity Stunt.” Now that a winner has been chosen, Culkin will indeed be making the selection legally binding, tweeting, “My new middle name has been chosen. You voted and the winner is clear. In 2019 my new legal name will be: Macaulay Macaulay Culkin Culkin. It has a nice ring to it (if you like my name).”


Culkin talked about the name change late last month with Jimmy Fallon, saying it all came about when he looked at his passport remembered his middle name is Carson. Thinking he needed to “spruce up” his name, he posted the poll on his website and let readers pick what his new middle name would be. Fallon selected what would be the eventual winner on air, a ringing endorsement if there ever was one.

I guess we will have to wait and see if he actually goes through with the change, but Culkin has been showing off his odder side more and more in recent years, so I won't put it past him. All I know is that it's going to cause a lot of confusion when he gets asked for his middle name in the future. It'll be like an Abbott & Costello bit. 

Published by
Matt Rooney