Categories: Horror Movie News

Mackenzie Davis joins James Cameron’s Terminator reboot

Mackenzie Davis is an actress that first caught my eye when I checked out the third season of Netflix's BLACK MIRROR. The episode she stars in “San Junipero” is like ETERNAL SUNSHINE OF THE SPOTLESS MIND meets STRANGER THINGS.

Anyhow, Davis has been on my radar since and I've checked out her roles in ALWAYS SHINE (see trailer below) and BLADE RUNNER 2049 as quickly as I could. And it is with this in mind that I'm excited to report that Davis has just been cast in Tim Miller and James Cameron's upcoming TERMINATOR 6 alongside Linda Hamilton and Arnold Schwarzenegger.

According to Variety, Davis would be "one of the new faces of rebooted franchise, in the vein of Schwarzenegger’s robotic assassin" and that "Miller and Cameron are still looking for the protagonist who would take over for Hamilton’s character" and finally that "Davis has been the studio and Miller’s top choice for a while, but the casting needed sign off from Cameron, who is currently filming the Avatar sequels."

How excited are you to know that Mackenzie Davis is joining James Cameron and Tim Miller's TERMINATOR 6? Make sure to hit us up and let us know in the comments below or on social media!

TERMINATOR 6 hits July 26, 2019.

Published by
Mike Sprague