Categories: Movie News

Mad Max 4 Confirmed!

A third sequel to 1979’s MAD MAX has been talked about for a while now but sadly nothing has ever come from it. Not to long ago Mel Gibson was actually even up for returning. But things fizzled away and we were left pondering… Well it seems George Miller is done with dancing penguins and is gearing up for a return to Thunderdome!

Alright I’m kidding about the Thunderdome thing. But according to The Hollywood Reporter MAD MAX: FURY ROAD IS happening! The Reporter dropped word today that MAD MAX: FURY ROAD is gearing up for production next year in Sydney, Australia. And get this… FURY ROAD has a $100 million budget! Damn… Didn’t see that coming. Apparently the film will be ‘one of the largest and most ambitious live-action films ever made in Australia.’ Interesting.

What do you guys think? You digging another MAD MAX flick? Mind you the chances of Mel Gibson returning as the titular character are very slim, even with that kind of budget… But never say never in Hollywood. If Gibson signs on I’m pretty sure every MAD MAX fan will be along for the ride. Hell word even has it Miller is lobbying for the gorgeous Charlize Theron (below) for the lead. As for the leading male… if it’s not Gibson a couple other names are being thrown around as contenders: Tom Hardy and Jeremy Renner.

I don’t know about you guys but if this flick lacks The Gibson then I figure what’s the point? You could probably easily make FURY ROAD it’s own film minus Gibson’s Max. Mind you nothing at all is set in stone. All we know is MAD MAX: FURY ROAD is gearing up for production next year. It’ll probably be a while before we even hear anything new on this one but as always be sure to keep it here for updates.

Published by
Jared Pacheco