Categories: Movie News

Mandy Lane later?

As I’ve pointed out in the past, it seems like Dimension and the Weinsteins don’t really care much about the sort of genre material that helped them climb to the top. There’s a pretty good chance that if you saw FEAST or EQUILIBRIUM or SHAOLIN SOCCER or countless others, it was only after tracking down a DVD copy long after you first heard about the movie.

Guess what? It looks like they still hate you, genre fans. According to Shock Til You Drop, they’re dropping the ol’ Cleveland Steamer on yet another acquisition, the buzzworthy horror flick ALL THE BOYS LOVE MANDY LANE. The flick, about a high school hottie cutting through her classmates, got great reception (and a distribution deal) at festivals and was set to hit theaters on July 20th, but now seems to be adrift in a sea of uncertainty, with no new date currently scheduled.

Strange, since we just got this official one-sheet yesterday… but Shock’s webmonster Ryan Rotten knows his horror biz (and we know the Weinsteins’ reputation), so this is probably accurate.

Published by
Dave Davis