Categories: Movie News

Mark Wahlberg wants to go for the pink cadillac in Avon Man

I’m a little sad that Hugh Jackman will not be taking the lead in AVON MAN.

However, someone else has stepped up to the plate– Mark Wahlberg.

Kevin Lima (ENCHANTED) was attached with Jackman, but has left the project as well. Michael McCullers (BABY MAMA) will rewrite the script from Kevin Bisch about, “a group of guys are laid off from an auto dealership, and one reluctantly becomes an Avon salesman. He survives the emasculation, relies on his charm and becomes a top seller. He then tries to save his town and help his struggling family by pulling in his macho unemployed pals to hawk beauty products so they can win a regional contest.”

I really enjoy Wahlberg in comedies and I think if they get him a good group of actors to co-star this could be hilarious.

Published by
Niki Stephens