Categories: TV News

Marvel traveled to Westeros to find Iron Fist for their Netflix series

A few shorts weeks ago, LUKE CAGE himself – Mike Colter – revealed that Iron Fist had been cast within Marvel's Netflix Defenders Universe and, when the time was right, that individual would be known to the world. Today must be that time.

Iron Fist has been found, and, if you've spent any time within Westeros for HBO's GAME OF THRONES, you'll recognize the man chosen to play Daniel Rand. Finn Jones, best known within the Seven Kingdoms as Ser Loras Tyrell, has landed the role, with the character expected to pop up sometime during the Season One of the solo LUKE CAGE series as an introduction for the individual run he will get later on.

IRON FIST was announced early as part of Marvel's deal with Netflix as one of the key components of putting together the Defenders, although, for awhile things seemed touch and go with the character given a lot of uncertainty as to how he'd fit into what was being created with DAREDEVIL and JESSICA JONES. However, with Scott Buck lined up as the showrunner late last year and now the show's star in place, I believe it's safe to say IRON FIST is barreling ahead quite nicely at this point.

Published by
Billy Donnelly