Categories: Movie News

Marvel’s Iron Fist down for the count, Netflix Says No Season 3

Marvel's IRON FIST has been dealt a deadly blow, as Netflix announces its official cancellation of the show. This is a shocking turn of events, as the second season was much improved over the first, as was stated by Alex Maidy in his review

Here's the official statement from Netflix as reported by Deadline:

“Marvel’s IRON FIST will not return for a third season on Netflix. Everyone at Marvel Television and Netflix is proud of the series and grateful for all of the hard work from our incredible cast, crew and showrunners. We’re thankful to the fans who have watched these two seasons, and for the partnership we’ve shared on this series. While the series on Netflix has ended, the immortal IRON FIST will live on.”

Things seem grim for the NYC-based martial arts extroardinaire, whose immortal prowess apparently has a shelf life — but not all hope is lost. Disney is expected to launch a streaming service next year, which already has its eyes set on a Scarlet Witch and Loki led series, with Tom Hiddleston and Elizabeth Olsen expected to reprise their roles as the fan favorites. Jon Favreau has already announced a STAR WARS series to take flight on the platform, inadvertently keeping hope alive for Danny Rand and his motley Defender crew. If things play out accordingly, Finn Jones and Jessica Henwick will land on their mystically empowered feet soon.

DAREDEVIL's third season set to launch on October 19th, JESSICA JONES was approved for a third season in April, and LUKE CAGE is expected to get the green light any day now. The Jon Bernthal led DAREDEVIL spin-off THE PUNISHER was granted a second season in late 2017. As it stands now, IRON FIST is down, but maybe not out if Disney decides to intervene.


According to a recent update by Entertainment Weekly, the show will "live on", althought the site does not mention in exactly what capacity. Star Finn Jones shared a bittersweet Instagram post, in which he writes, "with every end is a new beginning". Stay tuned to JoBlo for further updates.

Published by
Kalyn Corrigan