Categories: Horror Movie News

Masters of the Universe reboot starts shooting this Summer

Back in April of last year, we let you guys know that the planned reboot of HE-MAN and MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE had replaced director David S. Goyer with directing team Aaron and Adam Nee (BAND OF ROBBERS). This reboot stands as the brothers' first foray into the world of big-budget studio filmmaking. And today we have word via Production Weekly that the film will begin principal photography in Prague come mid-July.

Hopefully, this means that we will be hearing some casting news very soon. How do you feel about this MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE reboot? Who would YOU like to see cast as He-Man and/or Skeletor? Make sure to hit us up and let us know in the comments below or on social media!

MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE (1987) synopsis:

When the evil Skeletor (Frank Langella) finds a mysterious power called the Cosmic Key, he becomes nearly invincible. However, courageous warrior He-Man (Dolph Lundgren) locates inventor Gwildor (Billy Barty), who created the Key and has another version of it. During a battle, one of the Keys is transported to Earth, where it is found by teenagers Julie (Courteney Cox) and Kevin (Robert Duncan McNeill). Now both He-Man and Skeletor's forces arrive on Earth searching for the potent weapon.

The 1987 version was directed by Gary Goddard from a screenplay written by David Odell based on He-Man and the Masters of the Universe by Mattel. Yoram Globus, Menahem Golan, and Edward R. Pressman produced and the film starred Dolph Lundgren, Frank Langella, Courteney Cox, James Tolkan, Christina Pickles, Meg Foster, and Robert Duncan McNeill. Goyer is still the writer and executive producer of the new MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE, which is set to kick all the ass off your eyeballs on December 18, 2019. Wait… THIS December? We'll see about that…

Published by
Mike Sprague