Categories: Movie News

Michael Mann and Chris Hemsworth get together to make cyber thriller

I didn’t realize that it had been four years since Michael Mann‘s last directorial effort, PUBLIC ENEMIES. It feels like I was just recently writing about it not that long ago. Mann is a great helmer so there’s always a certain degree of anticipation for his next feature.

Lucky for us Mann has already found his next project with Chris Hemsworth attached to star. We don’t have a ton of details yet, but do know that it is a thriller that takes place in a world of cyber attacks and threats. What about HACKERS 2? Hack the planet…AGAIN! Yeah, I know it’s not going to happen, but one can dream.

Mann has been planning the flick for over a year with Morgan Davis Foehl who is on co-scripting duties. Foehl is also penning the MASS EFFECT script for Legendary Pictures.

I’m pretty well acquainted with Mann, but feel like I need to get to know Hemsworth better. I love him as THOR, and think that a role like the one of James Hunt in Ron Howard‘s RUSH will be something that really puts him on the map.

Published by
Niki Stephens