Categories: Movie News

Mila Kunis wants to be friends with Justin Timberlake

After devoting some time to action (BOOK OF ELI) and thrillers (BLACK SWAN), Mila Kunis is returning to comedy with a starring role alongside Justin Timberlake in FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS. The project, just one of many competing projects with the same premise, follows a guy and a girl who believe they can have friendship and sex at the same time but complications arise when…do I need to even finish this sentence?

While the film sounds like a generic romantic comedy, I’m hoping with a cast as pretty and generic as Kunis and Timberlake, they’re able to transcend the otherwise been-there-done-that plot (wasn’t it an episode of “Seinfeld” about 20 years ago?) to create something somewhat enjoyable.

The original script was written by Keith Merryman and David Newman but director Will Gluck is doing a “page-one rewrite” on the film in anticipation of the July start date. Whether or not they’ll be able to keep the title remains to be seen. Ivan Reitman is looking to begin production on his FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS that would star Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman. Plus NBC is planning a sitcom with the same title. Maybe we can combine them all into one unwatchable VALENTINE’S DAY style movie that we can all avoid.

Published by
Mike Sampson