Categories: Horror Movie News

Milla Jovovich to give birth to more Resident Evil sequels in the future!

Here’s a shocker for ya: what happens when the fourth entry to your NOT-RESIDENT EVIL franchise is marketed as having “state of the art 3D” when 3D prices are at its highest thus far? You get more moolah. More of that means more sequels obviously. 

Milla Jovovich has just coughed up a word or two regarding her return as Alice in future RESIDENT EVIL installments. RESIDENT EVIL: AFTERLIFE stormed through the Box Office in all it’s 3D-induced fury with a whopping $27.7 million, obviously topping its predecessor RESIDENT EVIL: EXTINCTION which had $23.7 million. Ca-ching! This is Milla’s approach to the film’s success. 

“This new Resident Evil is the first one to ever open at No. 1 worldwide. It’s the biggest movie in the franchise,” says Jovovich “So we’re definitely going to make another one. We’ve been talking to a lot of fans on Twitter and stuff, so it’s probably going to be one of the first movies where we really talk to fans to see what they want, and what characters they want to see. It’s going to be a more interactive process.”

You can read up Arrow’s review on RESIDENT EVIL: AFTERLIFE and then see the film yourself (or not) but the general feeling is that this franchise has definitely departed from the traditional set path of RESIDENT EVIL. Meaning: how the f*ck do you get lost from the yellow brick road? I’ll tell you how, by introducing a psychic induced Milla Jovovich to make make her supporting cast look worse than your AI counterparts in the actual RESIDENT EVIL games. Now that’s saying something. Are you looking forward to more Milla’s duking it out with Umbrella?

Published by
Moises Hernandez