Categories: Movie News

Miller talks Max 4

Director George Miller, whose animated tapdancing penguins in HAPPY FEET are currently destroying the competition at the box office, is still pretty damn gung-ho about

directing a fourth MAD MAX film. Seeing as how Mel Gibson’s a little preoccupied with maculating cultures both ancient and contemporary, however, Miller’s keen to reboot

the franchise, as it were, with a brand-spanking new hunky actor, mentioning recently to Moviehole, “I’ve had a number of young well-known actors express a lot of interest. They have to want

to push the limits – they have to be lean and hungry.” Apparently, Paul Walker, who had previously expressed interest in the role, is one of the contenders. Check

out the rest of what Miller had to say about it over HERE. In the

meantime, Miller can rest easy in the knowledge that his lovable tapdancing penguins will continue to rake him oodles upon oodles of cash.

Published by
Omar Aviles