Categories: Movie News

Missing Stalk on Tunes

Last fall ABC released it’s revisioning of the cult classic TV series NIGHT STALKER, only to pull it from the airways and cancel it mid-season- even before the 3 already filmed episodes had a chance to make it to the airways.

SciFi Wire gave us the heads up that the 3 previously unaired episodes of NIGHT STALKER will be available through iTunes, for a whopping $1.99 an episode! The stories revolve around Stuart Townsend’s charactor Kolchak as he investigates the tales of the supernatural. To tell ya the truth, I never caught the show while it was on TV, but have since downloaded the first few episodes to my iPod, and found them to be pretty dang good. I’m not talking masterpieces here, but an entertaining way to spend 45 minutes (and perfect for my commute to boot).

Since no one has seen the last 3 episodes, I’m even more excited to check them out- maybe they’re the golden episodes… or maybe they were bad enough to have the show cancelled. Either way, I’m there. And 2 bucks a pop ain’t bad- just like buying a TV box set on DVD, so whatevah.

The three episodes are “Into Night,” “Timeless” and “What’s the Frequency, Kolchak?”- you can head HERE for the short synopsis’ of each episode. Now, if you don’t feel like shelling out the dough, not to worry- the SCI FI Channel will be airing all the episodes of NIGHT STALKER next summer- and yes, even the 3 that ABC didn’t have the balls to air.

Published by
Ammon Gilbert