Categories: Horror Movie News

More directors line up for anthology Profane Exhibit, including “Coffin Joe” and Nacho Vigolando

While we eagerly await the fall releases of the epic 26-part THE ABCs OF DEATH and the found footage freakout V/H/S, we can take comfort in the knowledge that we have even more multi-part horror coming our way in the near future! Tell you what, the resurgence of the horror anthology is one of my favorite trends…

THE PROFANE EXHIBIT, which we last told you about in August, is piling on the directors and looks to rival ABCs in its inspired choices. We already knew that Uwe Boll, AUGUST UNDERGROUND’S MORDUM’s Michael Todd Schneider, GUTTERBALLS’ Ryan Nicholson and PHILOSOPHY OF A KNIFE’s Andrey Iskanov were involved, and a press release today brings us more quirky names.

Jose Mojica Marins aka “Coffin Joe” (AT MIDNIGHT I’LL TAKE YOUR SOUL), Nacho Vigalondo (TIME CRIMES), Sergio Stivaletti (Dario Argento’s longtime make-up effects collaborator), Marian Dora (CANNIBAL), Yoshihiro Nishimura (TOKYO GORE POLICE) and Richard Stanley (HARDWARE) are all on deck to contribute to the anthology, which is being produced by David Bond and Manda Manuel.

Clint Howard, Tina Krause, Monique Parent, Tara Cardinal, Caroline Williams, Eihi Shiina, Dan Ellis, AmberLynn Walker and Tak Sakaguchi all star in the film, but there will be plenty more names added to that list as PROFANE moves forward.

Here’s the set-up for the flick: Deep within the underbelly of Paris, there is a club which is the home of a secret, wicked society. At first it resembles an ordinary fetish or Goth nightclub, but within the cavernous building are many hidden rooms, one of which is known as “The Room of Souls,” a private gathering place of the world’s richest and most evil people. Their host is the elegant yet frightening Madame Sabatier. For their amusement each member takes a turn and spins a true tale of depravity.

Tara Cardinal

Published by
Eric Walkuski