Categories: Movie News

More Leo and Ridley

I don’t know if Leonardo DiCaprio is the hardest working guy in Hollywood, but he sure seems to be heading in that direction.

His CIA thriller BODY OF LIES hasn’t arrived in theaters yet, but Leo is already making plans to reunite with that movie’s director Ridley Scott. The two will team for another thriller called THE LOW DWELLERS, the object of a recent fierce bidding war (it’s from a first-time screenwriter named Brad Ingelsby, who is currently extremely happy, no doubt).

The script is said to have a “prestige quality” and a tone along the lines of NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN and A HISTORY OF VIOLENCE. The story “centers on a man trying to assimilate into society after he’s released from jail, only to find someone from his past pursuing him to settle a score. In addition to the pursuer, a third male character and a female love interest are said to figure prominently in the script.”

DiCaprio is currently working for the fourth time with Martin Scorsese on SHUTTER ISLAND, and has been collecting projects (for acting and/or producing) such as THE CHASER, AKIRA, FARRAGUT NORTH and a Michael Mann detective movie.

Published by
Dave Davis