Categories: Movie News

More Trancers coming?

Fans of Jack Deth and his time traveling adventures may be in for a real treat! According to Tim Thomerson, star of the TRANCERS franchise, the world may be subject to another TRANCERS movie soon enough!

While interviewing for LIVE EVIL, Thomerson dropped his little tidbit: I’ve been talking with Charlie Band and Full Moon and we’re in the early, early stages of trying to bring Jack Deth back one more time..

And there you have it. Thomerson and Band are talking, and why the hell not? There have been 6 TRANCERS films in all, the last one being released in 2002. I’d say we’re well over-due for another one! Not that I’m a big fan of the series or anything, but I’ve always kinda dug the bizareness of the films, and knowing that more of these films are being made makes me believe all is right with the world. Wow. I guess I’m the bizarre one here…

Nothing’s official at this point, but if Thomerson says the wheels are in motion, I believe him. He als name dropped a certain comedian who may also be on board… but you’ll have to head over HERE to check out the full scoop.

Published by
Ammon Gilbert