Categories: Movie News

Mos is Chuck Berry

Exceptionally talented artist Mos Def has signed on to play Chuck Berry and exceptionally hot artist Gabrielle Union has signed on to play Geneva Wade (a girlfriend of Muddy Waters) in the currently filming Darnell Martin directed drama CADILLAC RECORDS. Coming from a script Martin wrote himself, the story centers on the founder of Chess Records, Leonard Chess (played by Adrien Brody), and his relationship with his famous artists – such as the aforementioned Waters (played by Jeffrey Wright), Etta James (Beyonce Knowles), Little Walter and Howlin’ Wolf. Def was most recently re-enacting movies in the comedy BE KIND REWIND and can next be seen being all kinds of brilliant in the comedy NEXT DAY AIR and the drama TOUSSAINT. He’s sure to take out an exceptionally brilliant album sometime soon as well.

Published by
Omar Aviles