If you love guessing dialogue from different movies, our quotes section is for you!

Last Updated on August 5, 2021

A couple of years ago, we added a new section to our site dedicated to MOVIE QUOTES & SOUNDS, which is essentially a listing of many of our favorite movie quotes that you can listen to at anytime. We currently have close to 2,200 movie quotes, which you can find in an archives from A-Z, but also as an RSS feed to which you can subscribe.

If you visit the section on a daily basis (you can access the section directly by clicking on QUOTES in the menu above), you can listen to a different quote every day. We don’t give you the name of the film, so that you can try to guess it yourself, but you can also click on the REVEAL MOVIE/QUOTE link on the same page, and it will present you with the entire quote, as well as the film from which is spawned. Spread the word.. 🙂

Source: Movie Quotes