Categories: JoBlo Originals

Movie Soundtracks of the Month (December): Soundtracks I didn’t get for Christmas!

My parents informed the other day that I’ve always been difficult to shop for when it comes time for Christmas. I don’t get it, I’m a man of simple tastes, ever since I was a youngling if you extend my movie collection I was a happy camper. When I began this column naturally I started to talk extensively about movie soundtracks, this month speaking specifically about three soundtracks from this months article thinking that one of my parents, my brother, or that jolly bastard up north would get the hint. Here we are the morning after Christmas day and no dice. So here I sit, typing these entries hoping the money I get for writing these articles will allow me to turn my own damn wish list into a reality, thanks a lot Cringle.


I’m a nut for nostalgia. I wore out my VHS tapes of Muppet Christmas Carol and Muppet Treasure Island as a kid and watched Muppet babies religiously. So when I sat my ass down in that theatre seat waiting for showtime giddy was an understatement, and by the time “Life’s A Happy Song” burst through those speakers little kids just didn’t even know. With tear jerkers like “Pictures In My Head” and out of left field WTF songs like the rendition of “Forget You” by Camilla and The Chickens, this bad boy will make it’s way to my shelf sooner rather than later. In conclusion, The Muppets haven’t lost a step. Purchase the soundtrack here


The team of Trent Reznor and David Fincher owned my ass as well as Oscar ass last year, so is it so hard to believe they won’t do it again? Not for this jackass. Coming off his wonderful score for The Social Network Trent Reznor gives us from what I’ve heard another solid winner with this remake of the Swedish film. I have to say I wasn’t so big on the original Swedish version of these films but the worthy trailer and the badass rendition of Led Zeppelin’s “Immigrant Song” has done wonders in changing my mind. I have yet to see the film but I can now say I plan on doing so and hope to hear great tracks like below sprinkled throughout. The soundtrack will be available December 27th, I suggest you go scoop it up.


Confession time! When I was a youth I was the kid who cruised around with his cousin thinking he was getting positive attention blasting hip hop with a stereo system in which you couldn’t even make out the lyrics. Fast forward to 2011 I look back on those days with embarrassment, sort of how my parents get when they reminisce about the 80’s. Then comes the hidden 2011 gem Attack the Block and it’s wonderful mix of dubstep by Basement Jaxx and Hip Hop tracks that get me to involuntarily bob my head. In short, kudos to the team that put this soundtrack together in providing me with something that I’d wire up the old system for and blast around town with my held high. Purchase the soundtrack here


When it comes to movies and music my tastes have changed, with age I have broadened my horizons and have been all the better for it. So Drive came at a perfect time, when I needed more in my life than the typical action movie and score and the same re-used pop culture tracks this film and it’s music knocked me on my ass. From the score to the always top notch Cliff Martinez to the tracks like “Nightcall” and “A Real Hero”, this soundtrack is the perfect companion piece to what is arguably one of the best films of the year. Purchase the soundtrack here


1. The original Footloose may have been before my time, but that doesn’t mean I’m not the kind of guy who can’t appreciate good sh*t when he hears and sees it. 2. With that said, how can a soundtrack that features kick ass songs like “Holding Out For A Hero”, “Hurts So Good”, and “Almost Paradise” not be included in this article? 3. In listening to the soundtrack for this entry it was a treat to be reminded that although Hollywood is still going remake crazy that doesn’t mean it hinders the magic of the original that we can still revisit at our leisure. Purchase the soundtrack here


With the recent news headlines, I’m looking at you North Korea, I was reminded of this movie and how much the songs had me cracking up. “America F*ck Yea” had me feeling more patriotic than perhaps it should have, “I’m So Ronery” had me feeling sorry for a ‘supreme leader’, and “Freedom Isn’t Free” had even a country music fan chuckling at it’s spot on satire. There is a reason Trey Parker & Matt Stone are still going strong today and it’s because of material like this so keep it up ya schmucks. And remember, freedom costs a buck .05. Purchase the soundtrack here

Published by
Paul Huffman