Categories: Horror Movie News

Mr. Skin compiles some fun facts about nudity and the horror genre

It's October, we've reached the Halloween season, the time when everyone goes mad for horror – and maybe those of us who are mad for horror all year go a little extra mad. One site that has joined us in getting into the Halloween spirit is Mr. Skin, which specializes in movie nude scenes. They've dug through the horror archives to compile a fun report called Naked & Afraid: Mr. Skin's Ultimate Guide to Hollywood Horror.

In honor of Halloween, has done a Hollywood horror deep dive in order to answer age old questions like "Which horror franchises have the most nudity?", "How did nudity impact the film's box office?", "The likelihood of surviving in a horror film once you've gone nude?" (39%), And "Which Scream Queens have done the most nudity?," among other important research. In order to determine whether going nude in a horror film means imminent demise, the sexy movie review site watched all of the top 13 horror franchises, 129 movies total, to find out. 

Some fun facts uncovered by the site: 

*Compared to other genres like comedy, drama, action, horror films have featured the least amount of nudity historically

*Jason likes nudity more than Freddy, with 39 nude scenes compared to Nightmare On Elm Street's eight.

*The scream queens who've done the most on-screen nudity include: Jamie Lee Curtis, Linnea Quigley, Debbie Rochon, and Milla Jovavich

*Note to actors: If you're trying to survive in a horror film, don't get naked; 61% of those who went nude died. 20% of them died while nude. 

The full report can be seen in the infographic below. Mr. Skin has ranked the "Horror Franchises with the Most Nudity" (and it's no surprise that WITCHCRAFT was #1), put Freddy and Jason head-to-head again in a battle of nudity and box office, calculated nude character survival rates, checked out scream queen nude scenes… But the surprising part of all of this for me is to find that horror tends to feature less nudity than action, crime, comedy, and drama movies. We need to step up our game.


Published by
Cody Hamman