Categories: Horror Movie Trailers

Trailer: Netflix’s new horror series Marianne looks must-see

Netflix has been giving itself a good name lately when it comes to horror TV shows. From THE HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE to DARK, they are really stepping up their genre game. And today it looks like they might have another new classic with their original French horror show MARIANNE

The 8-episode series is created by Samuel Bodin and stars Victoire Du Bois, Lucie Boujenah, and Tiphaine Daviot. It tells the tale of 

A novelist who realizes her terrifying stories are coming true, and she returns to her hometown to face the demons from her past that inspire her writing.

And today we have its must-see trailer. 

Give it a look-see below and then make sure to mark your calendars as the show will be hitting the streaming giant NEXT MONTH.

Du Bois, Boujenah, and Daviot's co-stars include Ralph Amoussou, Bellamine Abdelmalek, Mehdi Meskar, Alban Lenoir, Mireille Herbstmeyer, Corinne Valancogne, Patrick d'Assumçao, and Pierre Aussedat. All 8 episodes of MARIANNE hit Netflix on Tuesday, September 13th.

And that looks to be all the info I can dig up on the horror series at this time. And that's not necessarily a bad thing given sometimes (most of the time) there is far TOO MUCH info available on upcoming horror TV shows and all the mystery is killed. This could be REALLY badass and we could be the first peeps to know. Maybe. I know I will be making time to check out the show once it lands next month. Will you? Let us know below!

Published by
Mike Sprague