Categories: Horror Movie News

NBC picks up supernatural drama Maidenhead from James Wan

SOURCE CODE writer Ben Ripley and genre vet James Wan are teaming up for the supernatural drama “Maidenhead”, which has just sold to NBC reports Deadline. And get this, Wan will direct. So much for taking a break from horror. Not that I’m complaining mind you. NBC looks to continue their new found roots in horror as the new series is being described as a medical procedural wrapped in a very realistic, frightening supernatural drama.

When a scientist is called to a tony Connecticut suburb to investigate an ailing teen girl, he discovers that her affliction presents itself as a demonic contagion slowly spreading through the town. His team peels back the secrets and lies buried within the fabric of the community while medically deconstructing the tropes of demon mythology.

This will be Wan’s first foray into the world of small screen terrors, which immediately makes this must-watch television as it will be interesting to see if he can find the same success within a series format. Horror is dominating the TV landscape and with Wan joining the ranks, we could be in for something special. Keep an eye here for more!

Published by
Ryan Miller