Categories: Movie News

Need JoBlo volunteers!

just about ready to launch our new community site called MOVIE FAN CENTRAL
(I don’t say “re-launch” because we’ve taken what we had
there and turned it into something a lot cooler, in my humble opinion)
and we now require 10 VOLUNTEER SCHMOES who have some time on their hands over
the next 7 days and are pretty knowledgeable in regards to MyJoBlo (although
this is NOT a prerequisite) to help us TEST the new community website.

FOR VOLUNTEERS: We’ll be transferring your
accounts over to the new site on a temporary basis, so that you can “mess
around” the new site starting next week (for a few days) and let us know if
you find any BUGS or broken links or anything that seems odd. Obviously, you’d
be getting a “sneak peek” at the new website, which we’re trying to
keep under wraps for now. If interested, please email me directly at Oh and specify your username. Thanks!

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