Categories: Movie News

Neil Marshall serves up a culinary horrorpiece called Underground

Since CENTURION has finally released today in limited theaters, it’s time for Neil Marshall to find something else to do.

According to Deadline, his next project that he has signed on for is titled, UNDERGROUND. It is a horror flick penned by David Cohen that centers on the gourmet underground supper clubs. What is an underground supper club you might ask? Well what I’m putting together from my research is that it’s basically a dinner party for the socially elite. The location is sent by email at the last minute and the patrons enjoy live entertainment after dinner while drinking cocktails. The people that are invited don’t know one another so it adds to the “mystery”.

The producers offered a bit of information on the main character as well as a minor plot note, “the protagonist is an ambitious young chef who ventures into the terrifying underbelly of extreme cuisine.” Mhmmm…”terrifying underbelly of extreme cuisine”…so it’s like, a scary TOP CHEF? I currently have all these weird images in my head of how it could all play out.

Marshall has handled the horror realm before with 2005’s THE DESCENT. I thought it was a pretty good thrill ride. Marshall made the whole thing incredibly tense especially with the score. Before that, he helmed/wrote DOG SOLDIERS, which is a really bizarre film that centers on these werewolves that are massive killing machines.

So what’s your take on supper club horror?

Published by
Niki Stephens