Categories: Movie News

Neil Patrick Harris delivers a choose your own adventure video and book

I'll be upfront and say that I haven't read a lot of autobiographies in my day (does Kevin Smith's blog count?) but this is definitely something outside of the norm. Neil Patrick Harris is releasing an autobiography that's a Choose Your Own Adventure story. That's right. Those awesome books you read as a kid where you kept your thumb in place in case you didn't like the choice you made is now being taken to the autobiographical stage, and to try to make sense of it all, here's NPH himself with a visual representation.

Despite it's flaws, I dug How I Met Your Mother and that was due in large part to the charismatic cast, especially that of Neil Patrick Harris. The man knows how to have fun with a role, whether it be on the stage, TV, or film. I admittedly know very little about his life, so I'm curious to see how factual portions of the book can be, and of course, how outlandish he goes. After all, I can't imagine a chapter on downing several shots of rubbing alcohol would last very long. For those curious, the book will hit shelves on October 14th.

You can check out Neil Patrick Harris alongside Ben Affleck and Tyler Perry in David Fincher's GONE GIRL, which hits theaters on October 3, 2014.

Published by
Sean Wist