Categories: Horror Movie News

Neill Blomkamp working on Alien project? See concept art from secret film

DISTRICT 9 and ELYSIUM director Neill Blomkamp has took to Twitter to share some concept art for an unrealized project set within the ALIEN franchise, revealing some intriguing looks at an imaginative new take on the classic series.

It should be pointed out that Blomkamp admits that his plans were 100% unofficial, stressing on Twitter that 20th Century Fox “didn’t really even know I was working on it” and that the project "was a mental stroll into the world Ridley Scott created". Still, it's a very cool peek at what might've been had Blomkamp been given the chance to add his own take on the world of ALIEN. You'll see that his concept art shows the return of both Sigourney Weaver’s Ripley and Michael Biehn’s fan-fave Hicks from James Cameron's ALIENS.

It should also be noted that the Twitter account is 'unverified', but that doesn't mean these awesome pieces of art didn't come from the man himself. I get the feeling that this is the real deal, and I would've loved to have seen this project realized. Check 'em out below and hit us with your thoughts.

Published by
Kevin Woods