Categories: Movie News

Netflix goes Blu-ray

Score another one for Blu-ray, folks! Online renting giant Netflix has decided, after realizing four of the six major studios have publicly gotten on the Blu-ray bandwagon, that it may be prudent to jump on board as well and say a nice “fuck you” to HD-DVD. They plan to stock only Blu-ray for their HD loving customers and will phase out HD-DVD by the end of the year. They may also want to actually stock up on Blu-ray discs as some folks have been waiting several months to get the Blu-ray discs on their queue. Switching solely to Netflix? Good. Not having enough actual Blu-ray discs? Bad. So how’s about you get on that, Netflix? Mmk? Poor, poor HD-DVD. It must be crying itself to sleep at night in anticipation of its final death blow. Vaya con Dios, HD-DVD.

Published by
Omar Aviles