Categories: Movie News

New “countdown” 60-second TV spot for Prisoners starring Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal

The latest TV spot for PRISONERS shows a fair share of material we’ve already seen as well as a little that we haven’t.

The film directed by Denis Villeneuve certainly shows some promise, and what looks to be a powerful performance from Hugh Jackman. My only question is what’s going on with Dano’s character. I see that Jackman suspects him even after he’s let go but I wonder if he really is the guy they are looking for. Will Jackman’s character decent so far into madness that he would be willing to take anyone down just to find his child? You can’t blame the guy for basically turning into a vigilante when he feels like he’s not getting any justice.

I’ve also failed to mention that I’m enjoying the visual aspect that we have seen so far. It might seem dark and gloomy to everyone else but the shot of that abandoned building next to the water is quite nice. Gives me a little ZODIAC feeling.

PRISONERS is due out on September 20, 2013.

Published by
Niki Stephens