Categories: Movie Trailers

New Frozen 2 trailer finds Elsa, Anna on a bigger, more dangerous adventure

When Disney’s FROZEN came out in 2013 it surprised virtually everyone by kicking the doors down and going on to become, the biggest animated movie ever made with over $1.2 billion dollars at the global box office. Now six years later Disney is going to try and repeat that success with a whole new adventure and series of songs to get stuck in our heads with FROZEN 2, which just dropped its second full trailer featuring Elsa (Idina Menzel), Anna (Kristen Bell), Olaf (Josh Gad) and Kristoff (Jonathan Groff).


As we saw in the first trailer a few months ago, the sequel finds the gang going off on a much bigger adventure that explores the magical world around them, teasing more elemental powers beyond just Elsa’s ability to control all things cold. The second trailer doesn’t really expand on the story much more, but simply shows off some new footage and some ominous words from a troll. There certainly isn’t any new music, teasing that same piece from the first trailer.

So, maybe there are some secrets Disney is trying to hide so that kids and their parents stay surprised when they pile into the theaters this November. That adventure certainly looks bigger than the last movie, teasing a variety of locations and set pieces – which if you’re going to have a movie featuring all sorts of magical powers – may be the way to go. Still, the movie is poised for success no matter what, as FROZEN 2 is the last big animated movie of the year with only December’s new Star Wars movie (and maybe JUMANJI 3) as competition.  


Here's the synopsis:

Why was Elsa born with magical powers? The answer is calling her and threatening her kingdom. Together with Anna, Kristoff, Olaf and Sven, she'll set out on a dangerous but remarkable journey. In “Frozen,” Elsa feared her powers were too much for the world. In “Frozen 2,” she must hope they are enough.

FROZEN 2 hits theaters November 22. 

Published by
Matt Rooney