Categories: Movie News

New God of War III trailer will make you want to disembowel a unicorn

In my ongoing effort to prove I’m not an Xbox fanboy, I give to you this supremely awesome trailer for GOD OF WAR III, the game that does in fact make me sad I don’t own a PS3.

This new trailer is a blend of cinematics and gameplay, though the line between them is getting more and more blurry these days, as GOW III is supposed to be one of the best-looking games of all time. Sure, we’d probably need to see this in 1080p to judge that, but it looks pretty damn decent even in standard definition, don’t you think?

Someday, I hope someone will make an amazing movie out of this, as the plot, the characters and the action all lend themselves to an excellent blockbuster, but last time I checked, some moron gave Brett Ratner the rights… *shudder*

HD-ish link here.


Published by
Paul Tassi