Categories: Movie News

New grindhouse posters!

No, I wouldn’t dare waste precious bandwidth to show you even more pictures of GRINDHOUSE, a movie we’ve all had our fair share of at this point. You’ll notice that the ‘g’ in ‘grindhouse’ isn’t capitalized, a deliberate choice on my part, since I’m not talking about the movie, but rather grindhouse cinema in general. These are grindhouse-STYLE posters for other films, courtesy of the folks over at They’ve posted a posterload of fan-created photoshopped posters that take familiar movies and posit their ad campaign into a grindhouse-style mish mash of schlock, exploitation and crass. Highlights include the posters for ERIN BROKOVICH, FORREST GUMP, and SCHINDLER’S LIST, which you can CLICK on to check out the rest. They’re pretty rad.

Published by
Ben Barna