Categories: Horror Movie News

New international trailer for Francis Ford Coppola’s surreal horror film Twixt arrives

Hard to believe, but one flick that’s been so universally lambasted by critics is Francis Ford Coppola’s surreal horror yarn TWIXT. In fact, so bad is the word of mouth regarding the flick, U.S. distribution has yet to be found. Not good when, given Coppola’s credentials, he can’t even find a deal more than 4 months after the film premiered.

Hoping for better luck, a newly cut international trailer for the film has been released. Much shorter, a lot of the images focus on Kilmer’s daily grind early on, then the surreal dreamscape shite follows suit. My guess is, if the film just had the first part all the way through, it’d be infinitely better. Coppola can’t be all bad these days, can he?

With Val Kilmer, Elle Fanning, Bruce Dern, Ben Chaplin, Tom Waits and Joanne Whalley (below) playing the principal roles:

A writer with a declining career, who arrives in a small town as part of his book tour and gets caught up in a murder mystery involving a young girl. That night in a dream, he is approached by a mysterious young ghost named V. He’s unsure of her connection to the murder in the town, but is grateful for the story being handed to him. Ultimately he is led to the truth of the story, surprised to find that the ending has more to do with his own life than he could ever have anticipated.

Congrats to Coppola, it looks like TWIXT is hitting France in April. Who knows if it will ever release her in the states.

Published by
Jake Dee