Categories: Movie News

New poster for The Lego Batman Movie is jam-packed with heroes and villains

I'm not sure exactly what I was expecting from Phil Lord and Christopher Miller's THE LEGO MOVIE, but once my eyes rolled back around to the front of my head I was very surprised by how much fun I had with the film. Audiences loved it as well and a whole new LEGO cinematic universe was announced full of sequels and spinoffs, the first of which will be THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE which will continue the dark and brooding adventures of Batman (Will Arnett). The previous posters for the Chris McKay directed flick put the spotlight solely on the Dark Knight, but the latest poster for THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE is absolutely jam-packed with heroes and villains! How many can you spot?

The upcoming LEGO MOVIE spinoff stars Will Arnett as Bruce Wayne/Batman, Michael Cera as Dick Grayson/Robin, Zach Galifianakis as The Joker, Ralph Fiennes as Alfred Pennyworth, Rosario Dawson as Barbara Gordon/Batgirl, Billy Dee Williams as Harvey Dent/Two-Face, Mariah Carey as Mayor McCaskill and Jenny Slate as Dr. Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn. As seen in the poster, the film includes quite the collection of characters but we still don't know who will be lending their voice to most of them, although I would hope that Channing Tatum, Jonah Hill and Cobie Smulders would be returning to reprise their roles of Superman, Green Lantern and Wonder Woman.

THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE is set for a February 10, 2017 release.

Published by
Kevin Fraser