Categories: Movie News

New Scream trilogy?

We’ve heard lots of rumblings about a new SCREAM movie but a new SCREAM trilogy? Is there that much going on in the SCREAM franchise that they can come up with three more movies? (In all fairness, if the Weinsteins can somehow find need and/or reason to make a HALLOWEEN 2, they can certainly find a way to make a new SCREAM trilogy.) Well Rope of Silicon is reporting that the writer of the original SCREAM, Kevin Williamson, has signed with the Weinsteins to “recreate” the SCREAM franchise with a new trilogy. The information was sent in from an anonymous scooper who took a screencap of the William Morris intranet, the talent agency who represents Williamson. The screencap contained an internal memo that said, in part, “we’ve closed a deal for Kevin Williamson with THE WEINSTEIN COMPANY to recreate the SCREAM franchise as a new trilogy.” Now this type of information could easily be faked but it’s a pretty random thing to fake and there is certainly smoke around this fire. If you wanna see the purported memo for yourself, head over to Rope of Silicon to check it out while you wonder if Skeet Ulrich will find his way back into our hearts.

Published by
Mike Sampson