Categories: Movie News

New Southland pics

Now that SOUTHLAND TALES has an actual release date, and as far as I can tell the thing is actually going to be released, it would make sense that we get some new stills from the movie. And since the movie is written/directed by DONNIE DARKO’s Richard Kelly and is about the apocalypse, pornography and reality television, it would make sense that those stills were weird as hell. Thus, I present to you, porn-star Sarah Michelle Gellar, Justin Timberlake with a bad-ass scar on his face/blood all over his t-shirt and also The Rock inspecting some kind of decomposing man in a glass case. Click HERE for those.

And also, for those of you who – like me – are involved in a one-sided and mostly illusory love affair with Mandy Moore, you’ll be glad to know that Kelly has said:

“Mandy Moore is still very much in the film… and very little of her role was cut.”


Published by
James Thoo