Categories: Horror Movie News

New synopsis for the Soska Sisters’ See No Evil 2, coming this fall

We've been onboard the upcoming sequel SEE NO EVIL 2 ever since first hearing that the Soska Sisters (AMERICAN MARY, DEAD HOOKER IN A TRUNK) were announced to helm the project. Equally as cool was the casting of genre faves Danielle Harris and Katharine Isabelle alongside WWE superstar Kane, who is returning as Jacob Goodnight. Now we've received a new synopsis for the film, which is set to hit On Demand, DVD and Blu-ray this fall. Check it out:

Jacob Goodnight (WWE superstar “Kane”) fell to his apparent demise from high atop the Blackwell Hotel in See No Evil, and this terrifying sequel picks up where the last one left off. With Jacob's body lying on a cold sub-basement slab in the city morgue, Amy (Danielle Harris), a mortician, is surprised when a group of friends pay her a late-night visit for her birthday. But the surprise soon turns deadly when the psychopath everyone believed to be dead sets-out on a horrific killing spree, and Amy and her friends must do whatever it takes to survive.

Michael Eklund, Greyston Holt, Chelan Simmons, Kaj Eriksen, and Lee Majdoub also star. Nathan Brookes and Bobby Lee Darby. co-wrote the script.

I'm a fan of the Soska Twins work and I'm stoked that they're bringing Jacob Goodnight back for more murderous mayhem. While there isn't a firm date set for the release, we do know it'll find its way to VOD, DVD and Blu-ray this fall. Truth be told, I would've loved to have seen SEE NO EVIL 2 get a theatrical release just so I could see the carnage unfold on the big screen, but I'll take what I can get.

More on SEE NO EVIL 2, including word on when we can expect to finally check it out, as we hear it.

My type of ladies! I love the Soska Twins!


Published by
Kevin Woods