Categories: Movie News

New The Woman In Black poster by illustrator Danger is spooky cool

EW has an exclusive look at illustrator Daniel Danger’s THE WOMAN IN BLACK special edition movie poster. Check it out below:

Pretty cool and a hell of a lot more creative than most of your standard “head shot” posters.

Daniel Danger is is an illustrator and printmaker working out of New England and he runs Tiny Media Empire, a production and design company based out of Boston, MA. TME focuses on fine art screenprints, limited official posters for movies and bands, and video production design.

Check out some of his movie and album cover work below and click here to visit his site. 

All in all, some really awesome work. I’d love to get my hands on the Walking Dead print. Personally, I like traditional movie posters, but would love to see more “outside the box” approaches like this as well. Great stuff. Enjoy.


Published by
Paul Shirey