Categories: Movie News

New THE AVENGERS posters are here and one of them reveals a new title for the film!

I can see the logic in changing a film’s title for overseas box office in some instances as there are some vast cultural differences in many regions, but I think The Avengers is simple enough that it shouldn’t matter much. However, the United Kingdom has a particular dilemma, that of an old British TV show called The Avengers, which was later made into an unwatchable film, starring Uma Thurman, Sean Connery, and Ralph Fiennes.

So, the Brits are going with AVENGERS ASSEMBLE, while the US is sticking with THE AVENGERS. I seriously doubt anyone in the UK would mistake a movie with a giant green monster for a pair of British spies in bowler hats, but whatever.

Check out the posters below:

Pretty cool overall, but still another entry in the use of “Photoshop assets” being plugged into an image to make a poster.  It’s rather perpelexing when you consider that the THOR and CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE FIRST AVENGER posters were original and unique with varying designs that didn’t feel like a Colorform playset.

Oh, and don’t forget…new trailer for THE AVENGERS hits tomorrow, leaving almost two months exactly before the film hits the big screen on May 4th, 2012.

Well, I guess this comparison may shed some light on possible confusion…but, there’s still the Hulk to differentiate, so there’s that…

Published by
Paul Shirey