Categories: Movie News

New viral video and featurette shed light on Ant-Man’s insect powers

Are you excited for ANT-MAN yet? With just about two weeks until we see the next chapter in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the studio is revealing more and more marketing to push audiences who may have been on the fence regarding the closing chapter of the MCU’s Phase Two. Today, we get a look at a new featurette and a viral video to help you decide whether ANT-MAN is worth the money.

First up, we have a new featurette with Kevin Feige and the cast explaining why now is the right time to add Hank Pym, Scott Lang, and the other ANT-MAN characters to the MCU. We also get some new looks at just how the suit and Pym particles help Lang command armies of ants to help him in his various missions. More and more, the shrinking and insect footage from the film looks impressive and as well done as we could have hoped for.

The viral video brings us a look at reporter Christine Everhart reporting on the after-effects of the closing battle from AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON as well as a follow-up story on Scott Lang. It is a brief clip but adds another MCU connection. Leslie Bibb‘s reporter character was last seen in the first two IRON MAN films as a fling of Tony Stark’s. Whether that has any lasting impact on ANT-MAN is unknown but it is a nice callback to those movies.

All together, I was worried about ANT-MAN after Edgar Wright‘s departure but now I can confidently say I am more excited for this movie than I was for AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON. We will all find out for ourselves when the movie debuts in theaters on July 17th.

Published by
Alex Maidy