Categories: Horror Movie News

New Wrong Turn 4: Bloody Beginnings poster gives you head

Earlier this month we caught a look at the first teaser one-sheet for WRONG TURN 4: BLOODY BEGINNINGS (peep it HERE), and now a new one has popped up over at Fangoria. Check it out below and you’ll see why the pun in the headline wrote itself. (I really swing for the fences…)

The synopsis:
At an isolated hospital deep in the West Virginia wilderness, three hideously deformed mutants go on a merciless killing spree. Now, decades later, this family of bloodthirsty cannibals is stalking new prey: a group of young skiers trapped by a blizzard. The abandoned medical wards soon become killing fields as the panicked victims come face to face with a chilling choice: fight back or die. With bonus footage too graphic for theaters, WRONG TURN 4 takes you to the most terrifying place of all…the beginning.

WRONG TURN 4: BLOODY BEGINNINGS hits on OCTOBER 18th. It was directed by Declan O’Brien and stars Sean Skene, Daniel Skene, Rick Skene, Scott Johnson, Jennifer Pudavick and Tenika Davis.

WRONG TURN 4 star Jennifer Pudavick

Published by
Eric Walkuski