Categories: Movie News

New York City closing down the famous Ghostbusters firehouse?

It’s the most famous firehouse in the world, but pretty soon it’s just going to be another vacant building in New York. The mayor’s office is planning to close down 20 fire companies as part of sweeping budget cuts and chief among them is Hook & Ladder Co. 8, the Tribeca location used as the Ghostbusters’ headquarters. But aside from being a popular movie exterior, it was also a working firehouse and home to some of NYC’s bravest (they were one of the first to show up at the World Trade Center on September 11th).

This has many people upset and not just fans of GHOSTBUSTERS (though I’m sure Dan Aykroyd will eventually have something to say about it). The city is halfway through completion on the Freedom Tower, the new complex designed to revitalize the World Trade Center area. Just this weekend it was announced that Conde Nast would be moving their operations to the building once it was opened. That Mayor Bloomberg would want to cut budgets by closing down firehouses in a vulnerable part of the city has many residents pissed.

But all is not lost (yet). City Council members are vowing to save as many of the firehouses as possible and due in no small part to its location and history, Ladder Co. 8 will be at the top of the list. Even if it eventually is closed as a functioning fire company, I still don’t see how you could lease the space for apartments or business. It’s got its own toy for Christ’s sake!

Published by
Mike Sampson