Categories: Horror Movie News

Newest Texas Chainsaw Massacre reboot has just replaced its directors!

Deadline reports that not only is there yet another TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE (WATCH HERE) reboot on the way, but that the original filmmakers – Andy & Ryan Tohill – have been let go after only a week of shooting. They will be replaced by director David Blue Garcia, who mostly worked on TV and commercials, but did helm a micro-budget indie called TEJANO that played on HBO. Like most things, the switch is said to have happened over creative differences, as Legendary – the studio behind the film – "didn’t spark to what it saw" of the original duo's dailies, and that Garcia will be starting from scratch.

According to the report, the film is set in modern day and is pulling a HALLOWEEN (2018) by pretending that nothing other than the original 1974 exists, thus "bring[ing] Leatherface back to terrifying life for a new generation."

No release date announced as of yet, but we'll keep you posted.

So what do you guys think? Excited for another iteration of TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE? Either way, sound off below!

Published by
Damion Damaske