Categories: Horror Movie News

Nicolas Cage set to star in supernatural thriller Pay the Ghost

It looks like the horror genre is going to get a visit from Nicolas Cage once again as Variety reports that Cage has been pegged to star in the upcoming supernatural thriller PAY THE GHOST which is based on a short story written by author Tim Lebbon. As for Cage’s character, all we know is that he plays a hard-working NYU English professor bucking for tenure when his 8-year-old son mysteriously vanishes from a Halloween day parade. And if we've learned anything over the years, it's that you don't mess with Nicolas Cage's family. This should be interesting!

I'm always pumped to see Cage take on the horror genre because you truly never know what you're going to get. That means we'll either be seeing a brilliant performance out of him or a bat-shit crazy one… so it's a win win!

The screenplay was written by Dan Kay, who developed the script with producer Ian Levy and it was acquired by Voltage. Uli Edel will helm the film who recently directed the Lionsgate/History Channel miniseries “Houdini,” starring Adrian Brody and Kristen Connolly. Look for more soon!

Amber Heard starred alongside Cage in DRIVE ANGRY

Published by
Ryan Miller