Categories: Horror Movie News

Night of the Animated Dead rated R for gruesome zombie violence

Well, here's a project we know absolutely nothing about, and hadn't even heard of until it showed up on this week's film ratings bulletin, the same bulletin that revealed Don't Breathe 2's R rating. One of the other movies that received an R rating this week is something from Warner Bros. Home Entertainment that's called Night of the Animated Dead.

Night of the Animated Dead has been rated R for "bloody/gruesome zombie violence". Whatever this is, it sounds right up our alley. 

With a rating secured, it shouldn't be long before we hear release details for this direct-to-video project, along with an explanation of what exactly it is.

The title makes me think of Night of the Living Dead: Re-Animated, a version of the Night of the Living Dead that kept the original film's soundtrack but recreated all the action through animation and artwork from over a hundred different artists. I'm sure Night of the Animated Dead isn't anything like that.

Published by
Cody Hamman