Categories: Movie News

No Fletch for Braff

It hasn’t been easy getting Irwin Fletcher back into theaters — Kevin Smith ended up ditching his plans for the prequel FLETCH WON, and now TV’s SCRUBS star Zach Braff has joined him in hitting the bricks.

Braff had initially been interested in stepping into Chevy Chase’s vacated shoes back when Smith was involved, and unsurprisingly stuck around when SCRUBS creator Bill Lawrence took over the project. But now Braff has shunned the early days of the disguise-happy investigative reporter in favor of more gawky but serious stuff, writing and directing his romantic-drama remake OPEN HEARTS.

Lawrence is forging ahead undeterred on his FLETCH flick, and is already seeking out a new candidate to play his comedic chameleon. Personally, I’d rather see a sequel to the underappreciated ZERO EFFECT.

Published by
Dave Davis