Categories: Movie News

No Time to Die footage, Cyrano, Channing Tatum and more from MGM’s CinemaCon presentation

They saved the best for last. That was the vibe everyone was left with when MGM/United Artists Releasing (UAR) treated the CinemaCon audience to an extended action sequence from the long-delayed No Time to Die. The footage, which seemed to come from the pre-credits teaser mostly, shows Daniel Craig’s 007 recovering immediately after a bombing. Director Cary Fukunaga does something interesting here – he temporarily muffles the sound so we can hear Bond’s perspective. This makes it all the more intense when shooters show up to kill him, and he escapes by using a rope to swing off a bridge, as shown in one of the previously released trailer’s money shots. We then go into an extended car chase, where Bond and Madeleine Swann (Lea Seydoux) are in one car and the baddies in another. No matter how long the wait has been, it can’t be denied the action in this movie is going to be intense.

The footage also contained some minor character-based spoilers, but I’m not going to reveal those here to be spoiler-free. If you watch James Bond Revisited, you’ll know I’m a massive 007 fan, and what I saw today made me even more psyched to see Daniel Craig’s last outing as 007.

But that wasn’t all MGM had in store for us. They also dropped a full trailer for Joe Wright’s Cyrano, a musical adaptation of Cyrano de Bergerac, starring Peter Dinklage in the title role. No longer sporting Cyrano’s trademark nose, Dinklage’s Cyrano is instead mocked for his height, which proves to be a mistake in much of the swashbuckling footage. Haley Bennett stars as Roxanne, the object of his affections, while Kelvin Harrison Jr. is the handsome Christian. This looks like prime Oscar bait, not a surprise given its December 25th release date.

We also got a look at Reid Carolin and Channing Tatum’s Dog, which comes out on February 18th. Marking Tatum’s co-directorial debut (co-director Carolin is his long-time producing partner), this stars Tatum as a former Army Ranger who accompanies a fallen soldier’s service dog to the man’s funeral. In classic canine buddy-comedy fashion, the two initially hate each other but bond. Despite the heavy subject matter, which deals with PTSD, this looks hilarious, with Tatum at his most effortlessly charming as the roguish soldier. It seems like there’s a lot of wacky comedy, such as Tatum pretending to be blind to get a better hotel room while the dog spoils the ruse. I kinda liked what I saw.

Otherwise, we got a few trailers that have already been revealed, including The Addams Family 2 (simultaneous theatrical/VOD October 1st)and a movie I think UAR has high hopes for – Ridley Scott’s House of Gucci, which comes out November 24th. You can watch those trailers below!

Published by
Chris Bumbray